Sunday, 7 September 2014

Time Out at the Ashburton River

Friday, August 1:
As we couldn’t get into Dampier as they had a festival on, we travelled to Goonera Point and camped on the roadway for the night for all of $10. These areas amaze me – no power no water but people stay for months. The beach not much but there is a boat ramp. The nearest water is by the SupaGas refinery 5 kms away and everyone drags their large jerry cans there for their water. 

Old gaol now Roebourne visitor centre.

Saturday and Sunday, August 2 and 3:
Drove into Onslow where we stopped for lunch by the water. This town has been invaded by Chevron Gas and is expensive. Lots of high quality new homes for workers which pushed prices up so much most locals sold out reaping up to $1m each for their old homes which were bulldozed and replaced.

The museum on the old railway shed is fantastic and operated by the visitor centre. It had the old ratebooks; births, death and marriages registers; etc and a great deal of info about the atomic test carried out on a nearby island.
We camped at the 3 mile camp out of town on the Ashburton River and liked it so much we stayed 2 nights.

Wal relaxes by the Ashburton River.

Our camp on the Ashburton at Old Onslow.

Spent a couple of fascinating hours at Old Onslow - it's such a pit it hasn't been preserved as is a wonderful heritage area complete with old bottles etc. 

The remains of the police station and court house at Old Onslow.

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